
  1. EG News

    Master the Medium Sumo Deadlift To Prevent Recurring Injuries

    These days, the deadlift is a fan favorite among gymgoers, and that’s a good thing. It’s not broscience, either. The amount of reach a deadlift has compared to many other lifts is incomparable. It’s one of the most primitive movement patterns ever, but it’s responsible for training so many...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Why Do Sumo Deadlifts Seem Easier Than Conventional Deadlifts?

    This article is a follow-up to an older article on the site: Should you Deadlift Conventional or Sumo? If you haven’t read it already, you should at least give it a quick skim before reading this article – this article is written with the assumption that readers are already familiar with the...
  3. 01dragonslayer


    The deadlift is increasing in mainstream popularity. Today people outside of powerlifting and sports training are learning to love a big pull. But which type of deadlift is best for your goals: conventional, sumo, or trap bar? First, decide what you want to train. What's your priority? Are you...
  4. 01dragonslayer


    My deadlift has always been a struggle. In 2006 my best competition deadlift was 484 pounds at 198. I kept getting called for hitching or ramping. My thighs always seemed to get in the way at lockout when I pulled conventional. I just couldn't get my hips through. In 2007 I finally pulled my...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Are Organic Food Choices Really the Best Options?

    As the number of organic options becomes available to consumers, the more we need information on whether eating organic is healthier and/or practical. “Organic” is one of the many labels that can be found on both whole and processed foods throughout the grocery store. Everything from apples to...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    How to Choose the Best Deadlift Variation for Your Goals

    What is the Difference between Conventional & Sumo? There are a lot of questions centered around what’re the differences between a conventional and sumo deadlift. The first question you have to ask yourself is: What is the reason you’re performing deadlifts? If you’re looking for all around...
  7. BrotherIron

    Slow deadlifts... super slow

    I watched a vid from Mark Bell where he talked about performing slow conventional deadlifts. He would use a tempo of 4 sec up - 2 sec hold - 4 sec to lower the bar. Mark claims this training method helped him hit an all time PR pull of 705. I wanted to ask and see if anyone has tried these...
  8. F.I.S.T.

    Semi-Sumo / Modified Sumo Deadlift Biomechanics

    Semi-Sumo / Modified Sumo Deadlift Biomechanics Depending on how you view such things, Ed Coan is perhaps the best deadlifter of all-time. His deadlift success is so outstanding that the “Ed Coan Deadlift Program”, which he didn’t even write, is one of the most popular routines of...