
  1. Inhuman2024

    Inj. ?

    So i did my shot this am using a 25g. I usually use a 23g. Now my girl watched close an evefything. Did it in the ass cheek. Airated she sees no blood push in and 10 sec. Later fucking boom feels like i did a blast of meth. Ive nicked before but this was like full in vein. Shaking everything...
  2. dowork

    Tren-cough (with other compounds)

    Does anyone get tren-cough from other compounds? I've had actual tren-cough a few times so I do know what it feels like. I haven't done a tren cycle in over 5 years. Very often I get a very mild tren-like-cough, specifically that "rush" feeling in your lungs, from most anabolics injects...
  3. TheMuscleMan

    Coughing.....not just reserved for tren!

    I have noticed that coughing can occur when using gear other than tren. I am currently doing a test and dbol cycle, 2250mg test cyp per week and 75mg dbol on training days. I did a shot of 750mg of Test cyp the other day and got that feeling like I get when I do tren, it wasn't as strong or...
  4. Musclemechanic76

    Trenabolone what it does!!!

    I haven't had tren cough a whole lot of times! But I have this round and realized I have a couple times per run!!! But luckily only a couple per run!! The way I always had it was immediately after pinning not even enough time to put on pants a BURN in chest and back if throat. This causes...
  5. F.I.S.T.

    Tastiest Natural Remedy for Cough: Coffee Plus Honey

    Tastiest Natural Remedy for Cough: Coffee Plus Honey (More Effective Than Steroids) By Heidi Kristoffer Posted Friday, November 13, 2015 A study (1) had a conclusion: “The combination of honey and coffee can be used as an alternative medicine in the treatment of persistent postinfectious...
  6. tkasch30

    Your least favorite steroids

    I'm just curious to see what others have to say about there least favorite steroids. You taken them and have given you the least benefits and worst side effects. 1. superdrol... Worst steroid ever imo. I feel like absolute shit on any dose of it and positive effects I would say are about...