
  1. 01dragonslayer

    4 Day Workout Program to Build Serious Mass

    Got a goal to build some serious mass this summer? This workout might be the perfect one for you. But leg day haters beware - this workout has 2 leg days! WORKOUT SUMMARY Main Goal Build Muscle Workout Type Split Training Level Intermediate Program Duration8 weeks Days Per Week 4 Time Per...
  2. EG News

    Judge's table: day of reckoning

    QUESTION What is the ideal schedule for a bodybuilder on the day of a show? I’m about to do my first contest, and I’d like to make sure I maintain my condition and don’t mentally “peak” too early. Do you have any dos and don’ts for those final hours before going onstage? ANSWER STEVE...
  3. E

    Short course of oral steroids unlikely to provide much benefit for patients with acute sciatica

    Short course of oral steroids unlikely to provide much benefit for patients with acute sciatica Among patients with acute sciatica caused by a herniated lumbar disk (a condition also known as "acute radiculopathy"), a short course of oral steroids resulted in only modest improvement in function...
  4. F.I.S.T.

    India is making the US look like 'the world's fools' when it comes to scripts

    India is making the US look like 'the world's fools' when it comes to scripts Stephen Petranek Business Insider Wed, 25 Mar 2015 There may be a long trip to India in your future if you have hepatitis C. That's because the Indian Patent Office recently rejected Gilead Sciences' application for...