
  1. EG News

    How can i prevent muscle cramps during exercise?

    Veerasak Piyawatanakul / EyeEm Nothing kills a workout quite like the pain and tightness a cramp can bring on. And whether you’re lifting weights, running sprints, or doing laps in the pool, you can cramp up. So how do you prevent cramps from happening during your workout? “A cramp is when the...
  2. Z82

    Tore my hamstring from a CRAMP?!?!?

    So Monday before last , almost two weeks ago I woke up in the middle of the night with the most horrific inner quad and hamstring cramp in my life. Screaming, cursing, damn near crying in pain I couldn't even talk. It finally went away then bam another one just like it again with in seconds...