
  1. EG News

    How can i prevent muscle cramps during exercise?

    Veerasak Piyawatanakul / EyeEm Nothing kills a workout quite like the pain and tightness a cramp can bring on. And whether you’re lifting weights, running sprints, or doing laps in the pool, you can cramp up. So how do you prevent cramps from happening during your workout? “A cramp is when the...
  2. Daredevil

    Tbol Back Cramps?

    Guys, I've been running Tbol at 60mg a day for the past 3 weeks. I plan to run it another 2 weeks. Lately I've been experiencing back cramps. Anyone have any quick solution to this? I believe in the past I read something about taurine? But I don't know what foods that is in or where to find...
  3. A


    Does anyone have any advice you could give me? Here's my issue... Over the last couple weeks I've been getting cramps in all different types of muscles all over my body. I drink at least half a gallon to a full gallon of water a day, but it doesn't matter. I stretch, and that still doesn't help...
  4. RockShawn

    Strange cramps

    The last few days I've been getting weird muscle cramps in my neck and shoulders. Just now I yawned and the back of my neck cramped up. Any ideas? I don't think I'm dehydrated however my mouth is dry as hell.