
  1. 01dragonslayer

    How To Control Your Cravings

    We all have cravings right? When we are dieting, they are even more apparent. Why does our brain immediately want us to go grab some chips, cookies, or ice cream when we start to get lean and see our abs?! Cravings don’t just appear when you start dieting; they are a very real thing every day...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Why You’re Always Hungry & The Best Ways To Stop It

    Kill those hunger cravings! Do you ever feel like you can’t stop eating? No matter how much you want to push yourself to stick to that diet, you just can’t stop? Notice how it might be hurting your gains. This idea that we’re always hungry is not unique and you aren’t alone. It isn’t...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    10 Foods to Curb Salty Cravings

    Sometimes, you just want something salty: potato chips, pretzels, french fries. When that salty craving strikes, it can be tough to say no to these packaged, processed snacks, which makes staying on track with your nutrition a tall order. So, why are salty cravings so common, and what can you do...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Science Says Sleep Helps Keep High-Calorie Cravings in Check

    A lack of sleep could cause more than exhaustion: It might also affect the number on the scale. Several studies have linked sleep deprivation to weight gain. One study found women who slept fewer than six hours per night were at much higher risk for gaining significant amounts of weight than...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    5 Simple Ways to Manage Cravings

    A sudden overwhelming desire for chocolate or a bag of chips — cravings can pop up out of nowhere and be detrimental to weight loss. However, there are both physiological and psychological reasons behind them. The good news is there are plenty of ways to manage cravings. Keep on track and reach...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    Why Giving in to Cravings Could Be the Key to Weight Loss

    You’re not alone if you find yourself daydreaming about a certain food — there are both physiological and psychological reasons why cravings pop up. When you’re trying to lose weight it can feel like giving into cravings with a cheat day or putting certain foods “off limits” is the solution...
  7. A

    Night time junkfood carb cravingd

    anyone know of anything that will stop these crazy binges/cravings? Its not just carbs, its gotta be junk food and tons of it. I read 5htp, but just wondering if anyone knows of anything else that works good? I can diet perfect all day. But night time comes and i Lose all self control.