
  1. 01dragonslayer

    4 Fun Ways to Decide Who’s Picking Up the Check

    Typically, paying your tab is the only part of a night out at a bar that isn’t fun. But there are ways to inject a little joy into even this most painful of tasks, namely by turning the check into a game. While these games range from tests of skills to absolutely random, they all make settling...
  2. blasson

    Credit junkies

    Anyone here know how to raise credit score fast? Before I bought my house and oilfield went to shit I was 780 range from every reporting agency.. with this tough time the past 1-1.5 years I had a few months I got behind and was late (never missed) on a few payments here and there. I am the one...
  3. F.I.S.T.

    Russia’s largest bank issues first credit guarantees in yuan

    Russia’s largest bank issues first credit guarantees in yuan Published time: June 05, 2015 Sberbank has issued its first yuan-denominated letters of credit that involve funding from the Export-Import Bank of China to Russia’s largest pharmaceutical company. Pharmasyntez, Russia’s leading drug...
  4. killinit88


    Do you guys ever feel like that? Lately i have been feeling like its me against the world with no crew to call upon. All my "boys" arent down like they use to be, cant count on them for shit. Even though a lot of them wouldnt be alive to flake on me if i didnt have there back like i have. I...
  5. Augustwest

    MP Research Supply

    Has anyone used them before? Debating grabbing some serms & aromatase inhibitors in capsule form cuz I hate PP liquid. I have heard back in the day that they are un realiable, just trying to see everyones opinions.