
  1. T

    Pct after 5 years of use

    Over the past five years, I've basically been on continuously, blasting and cruising, mostly just using Test but a couple times threw in some NPP. I'm currently cruising on 100 mg of Test but I'm thinking of coming off and doing a PCT. I had low T before starting 5 years ago so I'm sure my...
  2. lith56bigguy

    where is everyone at during this time of year

    I'm tapering down to a cruise right now with test and eq. Dropped the tren about 3 weeks ago as it was about a 20 week tren run with no issues. I'll take Dec, Jan off and fire back up mid February to be stacked for the Arnold Classic in Columbus Ohio for March. Just a normal controlled bulk...
  3. HulkSmashes

    Serious about competing in powerlifting....

    Hey guys I'm serious about competing in Powerlifting. I've been on gear for a full year now and I was thinking of just cruising on Test E. 200mg /wk for about 2 months to give my body a break. I want to hear from you guys that compete in BB or Powerlifting on what your cycle protocol is? Do you...
  4. tunaman7

    Cruising Dose

    Ok...I'm on a 20 week cruise. I'm using Dr A's (Aventia) Super T which is 200mg of E and 200mg of C. Right now I'm dosing .5 ml (100 E and 100 C) on Mondays and Thursdays. A few questions for more experienced 1. I'm liking 400 per week. Been there for a month now. Considering for the next...
  5. 4everstrong

    Blasting and cruising

    How long do you guys wait between blasting and cruising? Now don't tell me you wait time on time off bc I know you fuckers lol. I ran a 9 week cycle and have been cruising on 4 weeks of test e 200mgs