
  1. 01dragonslayer

    To Crunch or Not to Crunch

    The most heated argument in strength and conditioning today is to crunch or not to crunch. It's bewildering that this seemingly harmless, short ROM exercise could create such a rift between so many smart strength and conditioning professionals, yet the great crunch debate rages on. At the...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Is there a good alternative to crunches?

    All workout routines should focus on making your core stronger and more stable. But don't stop what you're doing and perform 100 crunches. Planks, Hollows, Superheroes, and Stability Work are safer ab workouts and much more effective alternatives to crunches for strengthening and stabilizing...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Beginners Guide To Building Your Core And Six Pack

    Bodybuilder Alex Stewart details the anatomy of the abdominals and core and presents you with five effective workouts that can help you build a thick six pack. Six pack, 8 pack (genetic freaks), washboard, whatever you want to call it: your core is the center piece for any muscular physique. It...
  4. EG News

    Deep-cuts abs workout

    A study conducted by the University of Wisconsin compared 16 abdominal exercises, looking at which one activated upper and lower abs the most. It found that no exercise was able to top the standard crunch for engaging both the upper and lower abs. That doesn’t mean a little variation is out of...