
  1. BrotherIron

    Why do?.?.?...

    This is something I'm even guilty of... Why does everyone run Test Cyp or Test Enanth for their TRT (self-prescribed or even from a clinic)??? I know with a shorter ester you have greater control of the AAS in your body and you can try to limit peaks and valleys but I remember back in the day...
  2. halfnatty

    So last injection i did was last monday and already

    my acne is going down wtf that’s kinda weird does hormones drop that fast?
  3. GRIM

    Long v short ester

    Usually I run short or a mix of short and long ester This is really my first all long ester run in a long time and Im not feeling it like usual I know product is good from other indicators just man some of you find short works better for you as well by far over long?
  4. F.I.S.T.

    How to verify Testosterone Cypionate or Enanthate by blood testing

    How to verify Testosterone Cypionate or Enanthate by blood testing Because of the nature of unregulated testosterone products there's always a risk that the product may not contain what is specified on the label. Many guys must rely on "feel" to verify the product, however with a simple blood...
  5. krustus

    1 test cyp

    we have a sponsor here now selling the 1 test cypionate injectable... i have read some really good things about this compound ... have any of you ever ran this?
  6. Vicious 13

    Lab testing

    I will be posting All protocols shortly as well as some results >>HOW TO TEST Testosterone Cypionate or Enanthate<< The following protocols must be followed exactly for at least 4 weeks. No other gear or ancillaries may be used during the first 4 weeks. If you have been on either dose for...