
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Ditch the Milk and Go Milk Free

    Bodybuilders have long been told that milk is a must for building muscle. But is this the case? The answer is NO! Milk, especially raw milk, contains lactose, a carbohydrate that can cause digestive problems such as cramps, diarrhea, and even bloating. In fact, many bodybuilders who consume...
  2. EG News

    5 Things You Need to Know about Plant-Based Milks

    Walk through any dairy aisle in 2023 and you’ll be overwhelmed by the boundless choices of milk. Sure, you’ve got your standard dairy options: skim, 1%, 2% and whole milk. But in recent years, plant-based options have become omnipresent, to the point where you can now find cartons of milk made...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    9 Nutrients You May Be Short On If You Don’t Eat Dairy

    by Bonnie Taub-Dix, R.D.N. Just about everyone has dietary restrictions these days—in fact, many people cut out entire food groups, like dairy. Whether you have a milk allergy, are lactose intolerant, or just aren’t a fan, it’s important to be aware that ditching dairy may mean potentially...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    The 5 Keys To A Rock-Solid Vegetarian Diet

    Tell someone that you're on or thinking about going on a vegetarian diet, and you may receive responses along the following lines: "Humans have been eating meat for tens of thousands of years; We're designed to eat it" "How will you ever get all the nutrients you need?" "I guess that means...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    5 More Research-Proven Ways to Lose Fat

    Is Fat Loss Driven Purely by Energy Balance? If you had the chance to read our previous article about enhancing fat loss, then you should be up to speed on how energy balance affects body composition. For the rest of readers, it's pertinent to know that energy balance is the major determinant of...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    Bulking on a Budget: Diet Strategy that Won’t Break the Bank

    Now that you have some hard numbers to aim for each day in terms of calorie/nutrient intake, we will cover cost-saving food shopping ideas for each macronutrient. This will make it easier to go about your grocery shopping trip and preparing your food list. Protein Sources Poultry, Seafood, and...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    The Case for Full-Fat Dairy

    Choose the right sources and dairy is not only healthy, it's also a muscle-building powerhouse. Most of us aren't big fans of conventional dairy due to poor production, poor quality, loss of important fatty acids, and maybe even high estrogen content. But here's something you may not know...
  8. EG News

    The whole30 for beginners: diet guide, who it works for, what foods to eat

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]:https://cdn-ami-drupal.heartyhosting.com/sites/muscleandfitness.com/files/styles/full_node_image_1090x614/public/media/Whole30-GettyImages-1023308142_0.jpg?itok=0jTBr2rQ&timestamp=1551296744 Westend61 Unless you’ve been living under a rock the...
  9. R2D2

    I'm going vegan

    gonna ease into it and see how it goes. a little worried about giving up eggs and egg whites, but other than that it should be no problem. any advice/suggestions? Queue 'Bodybuilding' | Great Vegan Athletes
  10. S


    How does your body respond to dairy products. I eat cheese and have milk sometimes but i think it makes my stomach do whacky things due to lack of lactose digestion?