
  1. EG News

    Can Aging Be Cured? Chris Hemsworth Wants to Find Out

    Masatoshi Okauchi/Shutterstock Aging and the many side effects that come along with it—such as wrinkles, decreased mobility, and fragile bones—are as inevitable as taxes. Or are they? (We’re talking about aging here—you still have to pay your taxes.) That’s the question asked by Limitless, an...
  2. F.I.S.T.

    NSA Pushing Its Deadline for Ending Bulk Collection of U.S. Phone Call Metadata

    NSA Pushing Its Deadline for Ending Bulk Collection of U.S. Phone Call Metadata Dan Froomkin Oct. 21 2015 The National Security Agency is literally counting down the hours until its deadline to stop the bulk collection of information on American phone calls. The agency’s civil liberties and...