
  1. TSizemore

    Dead Lift Max gains

    Alright peeps, everyone has hopefully set "Goals" when the New Year came around instead of resolutions.... Well, I set mine. I'll be 50 cone Jan 1, and I thought it would be awesome to pull 500 for my 50th! Problem is, I need a valid protocol that I can follow. I've pulled 465, but my realistic...
  2. ajdonutz

    AJ's log

    I decided to get rid of the other thread I was posting in and move it over here and make it an actual log. I'll be adding workouts and keeping you all updated. I am working on adding some more size at the moment, when that changes I'll update. I'll start with Thursdays workout in the next post...
  3. ajdonutz

    Anyone deadlift with lightweight regularly?

    So last summer I blew my back out pretty bad, and just within the past Couple months have been trying ti dead lift heavy and get my dead max back up, however every time I start going up in weight I tweak something and feel crappy for days or lose strength by the next week.. so im considering...