
  1. J

    Cycle Opinion

    A buddy of mine is running a combo I’ve never tried. Wanted some opinions. He has used a decent amount of gear over the years and his diet is really good and trains hard. Even does cardio regularly ha. He doing Test, Deca and Mast E. It’s a 15, possible 20 week cycle. All the extras on hand...
  2. pooh6369

    Am I wrong??

    I used low dose Deca (100mg) once a week for joint relief. I have a buddy who swears 100mg of NPP he uses it for the same reason. But giving the half life of NPP a few days would it be as effective as decanoate?? Told him I would post up so he can read the reaction. Got a sushi buffet bet going...
  3. Dago

    Deca vs Eq which is best ?

    I remember my Eq cycles I did a few I think imo Eq is better all around steroid than deca that has to be at last 2-1 test for the shit to work the deca I mean. You can run a 200mg trt dose and Eq and gain like crazy. Eq takes forever to work it's magic tho
  4. Dago

    NPP cycle

    Anyone has experience with NPP care to post or share about it please? I ran deca last summer with some liquid winstrol from dyel the whole cycle was dyel gear. I want to try some NPP
  5. puff88

    TRT Additions

    Does anyone low dose any other compounds when not on an actual cycle but just cruising on TRT? I know, a cruise is a cruise, should just be your prescribed TRT dose. Ive just come across some others who run low dose mast, proviron, deca, or others while on their TRT dose just as an add on, not...
  6. Eman

    Dyel Sust 350

  7. GRIM

    The world has gone

    INSANE! Ohwell gym is back open time to focus on these GAINZ Test/Deca/Tren E/ Tren Ace 600/600/600/150-300 a week Finished off Mast E This was just starting with what I had Is going to be switching to Test P/Tren Ace/Mast P cut mix 100mg each eod NPP 100-200mg EOD Winni / Var combo 25mg each...
  8. GRIM

    Started Deca

    Energy still sucks but fighting through it. Started Deca last night adding into tail end of my current run. Hoping to bulk like a mofo this run
  9. R2D2

    Starting up a lil bulker

    500 mg test cyp/wk 300 mg deca/wk 10 mg superdrol pre-workout fullbody workout, working out every other day. 2 power days (A/B), then 2 hypertrophy, repeat.... diet will be vegan as always and will try to eat a surplus (and track calories/macros somewhat--am bad with that! ) i weigh 182 as of...
  10. Bama


    Its that time again. Im thinking of a pretty heavy one myself, what is everyone gonna run for the bulk season? Sent from my SM-S727VL using Tapatalk
  11. Bama

    What you like best?

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  12. DaKajun

    Caber dosage

    What would be a good starting dose while running DECA? .5mg e2d? Pharm grade.
  13. J

    Deca, EQ or both

    Hey guys looking for feedback from anyone that has run Deca and EQ together. Going to use sus and thinking of using Deca or EQ or both. Please chime in mg taken per week and results.
  14. N.O.V.

    Eric Lilliebridge
  15. JACKED


    can/should you run them together? can /should you take with tne? thx bros
  16. 4everstrong

    Think i finally pick my next cycle.

    THis is what i have laid out. 1-4 Dbol 50mgs 1-14 Deca 400mgs !-14 Test E 600mgs I was also suggested to up my Test E to 700-750mgs Bc high test is Great for bulking? and up my Deca to 450mgs. What do you guys think?
  17. J


    same mgs in diff volumes...look at values and stability...FUCK HALF LIVES [attachment deleted by admin]
  18. A

    npp verus deca

    just wondering some experiances with npp versus nanadrone deconate (deca duroblin).which one do you like better?why?