
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Complete Guide To Increasing Workout Recovery

    Don't let proper workout recovery be an afterthought. This complete guide teaches you the benefits of proper sleep, nutrition, supplementation, meditation and more! This Guide Teaches You: How to improve your muscle building results by maximizing every aspect of recovery. What steps you can...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Complete Guide To Increasing Workout Recovery

    In this day and age, stressors surround us; from the foods we eat, to the places we live in, to the lifestyles we lead. In a world where we’re constantly looking to accomplish more in less time it’s paramount that we examine how to maximize what little down-time we have in our daily lives...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Complete Guide To Increasing Workout Recovery

    In this day and age, stressors surround us; from the foods we eat, to the places we live in, to the lifestyles we lead. In a world where we’re constantly looking to accomplish more in less time it’s paramount that we examine how to maximize what little down-time we have in our daily lives...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Complete Guide To Increasing Workout Recovery

    In this day and age, stressors surround us; from the foods we eat, to the places we live in, to the lifestyles we lead. In a world where we’re constantly looking to accomplish more in less time it’s paramount that we examine how to maximize what little down-time we have in our daily lives...
  5. EG News

    Alcohol and exercise

    When choosing alcohol after exercise, it’s important to use moderation, which in dietary terms includes one drink per day for females, and two drinks per day for males. So what counts as one drink? A 12-oz beer (at about 5% alcohol by volume, or ABV), 5 oz of wine, or 1.5 oz of hard liquor (80...