
  1. 01dragonslayer


    WHAT’S A DELOAD, AND WHEN DO YOU NEED ONE? Feeling a little fatigued in training? What could it be? Your sleep, nutrition, and stress catching up? Or have you been pushing it too hard in training and it’s time for a deload week? If you’ve been in Persist for more than a few weeks, you may be...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    The Four Horsemen of Optimal Recovery (Part 2)

    Rest Days Believe it or not, our bodies recover on the days AWAY from the gym, not while we are actually training. To better understand this, think of your muscles like a cut. When you cut yourself, you leave the wound alone so that your body has the time it needs to repair the damaged...
  3. EG News

    Janae Marie Kroc Deloads with a 415-Pound Bench Press

    Bench pressing heavy weight is great for building muscle—and showing off in the gym, of course. But benching during a deload week can be a great feeling, too, since it takes stress off your shoulders and gives your body a chance to relax. Deloading involves lifting with significantly less...