
  1. R2D2

    Going back to a Fullbody

    Let me know how it looks: A: Quads (probably back squats, depending on availability) Chest Reverse flys Rows *Side laterals/front raises/face pulls (1, 2, or all of these) Biceps Core *Battle ropes/Climbing ropes (optional) B: Lower...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Quick Tip on Painful Pumps....

    Sometimes when you use AAS (especially some orals) you can get painful back / shin / calf / etc. pumps. The first line of action should be: Taurine (3-10g pre-workout, you may also add 3-5g AM/PM depending on when you workout) Magnesium (200-500mg pre-workout, you may also add 200-500mg AM/PM...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    20 Bizarre Ways To Burn Calories

    An average sized human will burn about 2400 Calories per day without doing any exercise. The results are based on an average 150 pound human. Singing in the shower can burn an extra 10-20 Calories per song, depending on the volume and pitch of your voice. Laughing for 10 minutes can make you...