
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Are You Living an Urgent Life or an Important Life?

    There are moments throughout our lives, and they happen almost every day, where we catch a glimpse of what we are capable of, a flicker of what we are destined to be, or a hint of what we desire to become. It could be a burst of inspiration for that book we always wanted to write. Or the...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Some Thoughts On Mindset: 5 Mental Health Secrets For Great Workouts

    Your mental climate during workouts is one of the most significant factors (if not the most significant factor) that will determine the level of success you’ll experience from that workout. What follows are my favorite tricks and tactics for more productive gym sessions: Let Go Of Results And...
  3. F.I.S.T.

    Everything Starts With Desire

    Everything Starts With Desire I recently had this thought while coming up with ideas for a new song. My realization was that everything in one way or another can be traced back to an original desire. This let me draw some of my own conclusions on desire which are open to criticism and...