
  1. 01dragonslayer

    The Restaurant Survival Guide

    Who doesn’t enjoy going out to eat for a meal? I know that every time I get offered a trip to a restaurant or just don’t feel like cooking myself, nothing even comes close to having a delicious meal cooked for me with the foods of my choice. Sadly, though, in America, health and caloric intake...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Are Protein-Packed Desserts Better For You?

    Protein is an important macronutrient for losing weight, building muscle and recovering from tough workouts — and many people don’t get enough. Because protein is viewed as healthy, many companies are marketing packaged desserts, like cookies and muffins, fortified with protein. At home, it’s...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Could Eating Dessert be a Weight-Loss Trick?

    Dessert is often the first thing to go when trying to lose weight. But according to recent research, people who ate dessert (and chose what they would have at the beginning of the meal) consumed healthier foods and fewer calories overall than those who selected their main course first and then...
  4. GRIM

    protein pies

    Protein Pies and Protein Tart Recipes - Protein Pow
  5. GRIM

    desserts high in protein

    These 3 Simple Dessert Recipes Are All Rich in Protein - Food -
  6. 49ER


    2 of us wolves roaming the dessert searching for strippers and cocaine lol you ready bro!? VEGAS TIME!!!!