
  1. Chicken_hawk

    Self employed or in the fitness industry? this could change your life!

    Ok, so for those who don't know I just opened up a gym and because I am me, I didn't do it the way everyone told me. I didn't have much of a business plan besides let's put people first. We did all kinds of things differently including charging more. I didn't know why but it felt right. Ideas...
  2. Vw4334

    Metformin for bodybuilding

    anyone have any experience with using metformin hcl? Im not diabetic, My peptide source started carrying it in 500mg caps, any one have a protocol to follow or experience with it ? im 240lbs with low bf% already i wanted to have another tool in the toolbox to help utilize my carbs and nutrition...
  3. GRIM

    Apartments bitched

    About the little dog poop in front of my private entrance door I haven't been able to pick up because of my recent pain. They didn't care about my disability, my current condition AND I've seen other tenants 100x worse. Was threatened with eviction so I tried to hobble outside and pick it up...
  4. Dago

    Mast prop mast-e

    Im bout to order some gear mast 8s another one I don't have any experience with. My understanding is its a lot like winstrol. I was also told if my bf% wasn't low enough I wouldn't see much results. Is there much muscle growth or just hardening up ? Which is better mast prop or mast-e and what...
  5. T-bar

    Pec tear?

    Being in my early 50's I don't usually throw as much weight on the bench press as I used to. I find I get better results with higher reps. A better pump and better growth. So I stick with 15-20 reps at 225 for most workouts. Three weeks ago however I was feeling strong and pissed at the same...
  6. F.I.S.T.

    Georges St-Pierre 'training hard' and 'starting to get the feeling' to come back

    Georges St-Pierre 'training hard' and 'starting to get the feeling' to come back By Ryan McKinnell 21 hours ago Cagewriter If you are wondering if former UFC superstar Georges St-Pierre is ready to return to the Octagon, he has a significant update. “I’m training hard," GSP told Montreal's...
  7. F.I.S.T.

    Stuff you should never say to a cop

    Stuff you should never say to a cop Sorry, Officer, I didn't realize my radar detector wasn't plugged in. And that hooker I met at the AIDS clinic said you were a nice guy. Hey, you must've been doin' about 125mph to keep up with me! Good job! That uniform makes your ass look really big...
  8. A

    Poor influence

    I help a few people out when it comes to aas. They're grown men and going to do it anyway so I help make sure they don't fuck themselves up. One of the guys I help told me today he had started fucking this chick from his gym. He's married with 2 young kids. He was always saying how he'd like...
  9. tbonexl

    Girl trouble

    I've been with this girl for a couple years. It was kinda crazy how fast things went. We work together kinda. She drives truck for the construction outfit I work for. We kinda fell for eachothers right off the get. She was engaged at the time so I didn't push it. She ended up breaking it off...
  10. 49ER

    Lets talk about....

    Our first piece of ass ;D ok so I was 17 (yes 17 late bloomer) so there was this girl a runaway my homeboys brought her over one day she looked hell of good. My friens was hitting that shit he tells me cmon join in I was way to shy and scared I said no that time. A few weekes go bye she ends up...