
  1. 01dragonslayer


    You can't throw the proverbial rock without hitting yet another obnoxious ad of some sort for alkaline water, with claims to cure all that ails ya', from genital warts to fear of flying. It's said to restore pH balance by "reducing acidity levels in the blood" and "reducing water cluster size...
  2. 01dragonslayer


    Vickie stays lean all year long. She always looks like she's a few weeks out from a figure competition. Everyone hates the bitch. No, they don't hate her, but they all want to know her secret. When asked, she just says she eats "clean." But it's not a willpower thing. Vicky just doesn't like...
  3. EG News

    This Canadian Pastor Is One of the Strongest Men in the World

    Narong Sangnak/EPA/Shutterstock / Shutterstock When you think of a pastor, you probably envision a smaller guy who buries his nose in spiritual books all day. Kevin Fast knows that, and he doesn't care that his strongman hobby isn't what people expect from a Lutheran pastor. Fast, 56, boasts...
  4. S

    Cbd anyone

    So i sleep like crap. Been doing everything from melatonin, zma, valerian root, benadryl and nothing really helps. Anyone try CBD or it just a bunch of bullshit. I really don't smoke up but would be wtilling to try cbd based on what I am reading. Any suggestions
  5. Daredevil

    Hemorrhoids help

    Anyone experience hemorrhoids before? Got 2 poking out, believe it's from using toilet paper that was too rough. Started using charmin ultra but they are still there? Any solutions besides surgery to make them disappear? By the way they aren't big, they are rather small.
  6. RockShawn

    WTF happened to Rock

    Guys, I'm very sorry I have been so absent on the site. Things have been very hectic for me lately and It has been hard to get on the site. This is my Busiest time of year work-wise and My head is constantly spinning with all that is going on there. My son's baseball team, which I manage, is...
  7. F.I.S.T.

    Wife doesn't use

    Wife doesn't use The wife came home early and found her husband in their bedroom making love to a very attractive young woman. And she was somewhat upset. 'You are a disrespectful pig!' she cried. 'How dare you do this to me -- a faithful wife, the mother of your children! I'm leaving you. I...