
  1. SkinNbone

    Blood donation

    Well it's time I start doing this. Been on trt for about 3years and h&h and rbc was always slightly high. My freak hematocrit is 56!!! So going do it real soon. Have a THERAPEUTIC PHLEBOTOMY script so no excuses Any advice? Just a quick stick and lay back!!! Once I get it done the next time...
  2. B


    ok so here goes the march lotto!!!! prizes to be awarded are as follows 24hrreup- one bottle of danabol ds heisenberg- 2 deca, 2tne/dbol blend precisionpinz- one box of pinz SMALLs- one tub nitro ncg pwo drink themuscleman- 2 test enanthate homegrowwn--100$ off a one year training program..this...
  3. B

    EG -monthly prize lotto!?

    MEMBERS as u know EG is a non-profit site! admin does not charge sponsors or members, he only asks for donations as a gesture of apreciation for the security he provides for us all.......WELL to this point donations are almost non existant from members and sponsors...only one sponsor holds...