
  1. 01dragonslayer


    WHAT WE KNOW ABOUT C3G SO FAR We know a lot about cyanadin-3-glucoside (C3G). It's a polyphenol compound found in blueberries, grapes, black beans, and pretty much any fruit or vegetable that has a reddish blue or indigo cast to it. Studies have shown it to have anti-diabetic effects, which...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Clenbuterol FAQ | Dosing

    Originally Written By: PerfectBeast2001 @ Clenbuterol FAQ After reading and answering the same questions every week I decided to write this FAQ. Hopefully it will answer the most commonly asked questions about Clen and also dispel some of the myths and untruths associated...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    The Best Supplements for the Ketogenic Diet

    Going keto may sound easy; just stock your kitchen with pounds of bacon, pyramids of avocados, and a fridge full of heavy cream, and you'll have all the fat you need to go keto—at least for this week. Of course, in action, keto is much easier said than done. To make your transition as smooth as...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Common TRT Prescriptions

    Testosterone There are a few different forms of testosterone for TRT. These forms can be broken down into four categories: 1) injectable oil-based testosterone, 2) testosterone gels/creams, 3) testosterone lozenges, and 4) implantable testosterone pellets. The two most common forms are...
  5. 01dragonslayer


    Clenbuterol Clenbuterol (Spiropent) is a beta-receptor agonist drug used in the treatment of asthma and in bodybuilding for the purpose of fat loss. In some instances, it can also be used to enhance performance in endurance exercise. When to use clenbuterol Clenbuterol should only be used when...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    The Long and Short of Milk Thistle Dosage

    In a world where health, fitness, and bodybuilding are considered popular practices, so is supplementation. As we’ve come to talk about fairly regularly, there are a large variety of health supplement regimens that athletes and fitness freaks use to ensure the best possible results during both...
  7. 01dragonslayer


    Glutathione injections are used worldwide, but they have only been gaining popularity in the United States more recently, and for a good reason. This powerful antioxidant holds an unbelievable amount of benefits when used appropriately. Lack of glutathione contributes to oxidative stress, which...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    TUDCA 101 Guide: Benefits, Dosage, & Results

    What Is Tudca (tauroursodeoxycholic acid) Contents [hide] 1 What Is Tudca (tauroursodeoxycholic acid) 2 Tudca Benefits 3 The Best TUDCA Dosage 4 Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid Side-Effects 5 Top 3 Best Tudca Supplement 5.1 1. DEFEND 5.2 2. Ar1macare Pro 5.3 3. TUDCA 6 Final Verdict: Should I...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    Ancillary Reference Guide

    Found this on another site where I belong....great article for reference..... Ancillary Reference Guide The purpose of this reference guide is to go over the different ancillaries that may be required during an anabolic steroid cycle or in post cycle therapy and discuss what they do, how they...
  10. 01dragonslayer


    Not sure if we have any Lady members here but this is a great reference.... Let’s start this article off by saying Anavar is probably the most popular steroid for women. Those female fitness models and bikini competitors you have been watching getting ready for a show? Anavar. Wondering how...
  11. GoPro

    Ester weight and actual dosage.

    so I was just browsing the web and doing research and came across this thread on Ester weights and the actual dose you are getting after the Ester is cleaved off. This is good info so you can actually dose your cycle properly and get the right dosages that you seek to achieve. Give some feed...
  12. Iron-Game

    Sex boost - performance anabolic labs

    BIOSYNERGY SEX-BOOST UNIQUE PEPTIDE BLEND CONCEPT Lifetech Labs has combined the 2 most effective peptides PT-141 BREMELANOTIDE + MELANOTAN II to create the most powerful peptide blend for ultimate sex experience. PEPTIDE 1 – BREMELANOTIDE PT-141 is the only synthetic aphrodisiac. The...
  13. Daredevil

    TRT dosage to PCT help

    Gents, a friend of mine has been pinning 250mg a week of Test Cyp. He's been running the cycle so far 11 weeks and has 5 more weeks left. First 6 weeks of the cycle he ran Tbol @ 60mg a day for 6 weeks. He's had amazing results. In 5 weeks he will be ending his cycle. What PCT measures would...
  14. F.I.S.T.

    Dianabol (D-BOL) - Methandrostenlone

    Dianabol (D-BOL) - Methandrostenlone Heres a good read on Dbol I found yrs ago and posted on other boards.Thought it would be a good thread here as either a refresher or new insight for those in need...... Dianabol (17-Alpha-Methyl - 17Beta-Hydroxil-Androsta - l.4Dien-3-on) is a new...
  15. Akhusker

    Isotretinion dosage?

    So I picked up some Iso from the Chem depot and don't know how much I am suppose to take. I remember JDB3 posting a log on BOP about his experience with it but don't remember the dosage he was running and what not. It's 25mg per mL but I was thinking to take half a mL per day. Does anyone have...
  16. Kuntrykok

    Dosage for Provirion for SBGH

    Hey bros, what's the dose of Provirion that is needed to lower SBGH? Will 25mgs per day take care of it?
  17. 49ER

    anyone have a discount code for privatemdlabs?

    I wanna go get some blood work done tomorrow. Im experimenting with my aromasin dosage right now I have the feeling mey my estradiol is too low my joints have been hurting. Is Iit possible to drop it too low with a high dosage of arom?
  18. D

    Prami dosage?

    I got some pramipexole in and I want to know how much to take and how often? It is a liquid and it is 60mg,60ml, so 1mg/ml.
  19. B

    Melanotan 2 dosage and timing

    Hey guys I've been taking 250-350mcg at bed time, working up to 500mcg. Is bed time ok? I'm pretty tan to begin with I'm over 1/3 Native American and I live in Texas so there's plenty of sun lol I was thinking about doing 500mcg at bed time 5 days a week for 2-3 months. Let me know what y'all think
  20. Kuntrykok

    T-Bol dosage

    What's the normal dosing protocol for T-Bol? I know for Var it's 60 - 100 mgs per day but never messed with t-bol before. Thanks in advance bros.