
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Squat Tutorial with Proper Form

    The first thing to go over is appropriate trunk posture, not foot position or stance breadth. Assume you're a soldier, and the meanest, ugliest sergeant in history has just informed you, "TEN-HUT!" You'd naturally straighten up and draw your head and shoulders back. This is the appropriate spine...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Who else thought this was inappropriate...... Scroll down to watch the video.
  3. GRIM

    How fast is your net? 2x I call to cancel first time because promo price ending they extend my price for a year, 2nd time because I got a cheap back up they more than doubled my speed for no cost!
  4. A

    is securenym down for everybody?

    is securenym down for everybody?
  5. F.I.S.T.


    Going to be going away ona business,pleasure trip and will be gone for at least a few days and not sure if i'll have time to log on.So in case I can't,you guys hold down the fort and keep those posts going. Calm down,calm down everyone,i'll be back.I know you were all ready to panic. I could...
  6. S

    Is anyonymous speech down for everyone?

    Anonymous speech sucks. Am I the only one that can't get on this piece of crap email.
  7. Junky87

    knocked down..but wont stop me from getting back up.

    Hey guys...I almost got crushed by a 1200lb rack at work on Fri. All I got was a sprained left shoulder/elbow/wrist...I'll be down for about two weeks hopefully then I can bring it back up in the gym..