

    DYEL Touchdown/porn

    As usual, DYEL always provides great customer service, speedy shipping, great packaging, and great products! Can never go wrong with DYEL! Thanks again Brutha!
  2. tunaman7

    I am becoming a big fan of Var

    I haven't ran Var since 1984 (yes 1984). It was my very first cycle along with some test. I am now in the 2 week of 25mg per day. I'm intentionally staying low for a while to see how I respond. All I can say is "wow". I have really forgotten what a great oral this is. Not increase in...

    Dyel Touchdown/Porn

    I jumped on Dyel's bogo. Can't go wrong with Dyel gear! I've tried his test p and tren ace and damn did I get strong and put in lean size and no pip with his gear. This time I decided to test out his Test C and Deca. As usual very quick response and great shipping. All vials are equally filled...
  4. TSizemore

    Just got done....

    with my first vial of Tren/Prop/Mast. This first vial is part of what I had left over from Syngen. The rest is all DYEL. I'm here to tell you, every single shot I took of the Syngen was debilitating!! I don't remember any of it being that painful. I don't know if it sat around to long or what...