
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Effort-Based Hypertrophy Training

    Effort vs. Volume vs. Load: Part 1 What's the best way to train for size gains? Effort, load, or volume-based training? Here's what you need to know. What works better for hypertrophy? High-volume training or low-volume/high-effort (intensity) training? What about “powerbuilding?” In short...
  2. 01dragonslayer


    WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF? There are people who never take action yet seem to always be looking for the best way to accomplish their goal. They want everything to be tested out (by other people) and then they want to compare those results to other results, and then they want an analysis done by a...
  3. EG News

    5 Surprising Reasons Why You’re Struggling With Workout Consistency

    Workout consistency often feels unattainable in our busy lives. For many people faced with handling multiple family and professional responsibilities, it oftentimes feels easier to believe we can’t find the time instead of working to make the time to get in a good sweat. Some of us would rather...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    The Best HIIT Routines for Cardio Equipment

    Well my friends, summer is right around the corner. If you are like most people, this is the time of year you want to start leaning out for the beach or shedding extra weight you accumulated during the winter. Are you someone who dreads the word “cardio”, as it conjures up images of monotonous...
  5. 01dragonslayer


    Eat this tasty, inexpensive, and supremely nutritious food a few times a week and the fat loss will take care of itself. by TC Luoma | 08/15/20 Zero-effort-fat-loss You probably read the title of this article or the one-sentence descriptor and got just a little bit excited. Damn straight...
  6. EG News

    The powerlifting and bodybuilding hybrid workout plan for strength and size

    When you’ve been in the iron game a while, you begin to ask yourself some tough questions: How do I maximize size without sacrificing strength? How do I get stronger without getting injured? In short, how can a lifter have it all—muscle, power, and pain-free joints to enjoy the benefits? The...
  7. Chicken_hawk

    How to use rpe correctly

    You may see people using the term “RPE” regarding their training, but not be sure what it’s all about. Or, more likely, you are one of the people who *thinks* you know what it’s about, but still make fundamental errors with it. No matter which one you are, or even if you do for sure get RPE...
  8. EG News

    Squatting 600 lbs is easy

    It takes correct technique, periodization, and selection of special exercises to conquer weaknesses in squatting. Combine these with a balance of strength and you’re ready. Westside Barbell has produced more than 70 lifters who’ve squatted more than 800 pounds, 19 with more than 1,000 pounds on...