
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Gain More Muscle Mass by Eating Chocolate?

    Gain More Muscle Mass by Eating Chocolate? Could chocolate be the boost you need to make new gains? Learn more about the benefits of dark chocolate and how it can be used to promote muscle growth! Let’s face it; there is so much awesome food in the world that it can be hard to maintain a...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Gain More Muscle Mass by Eating Chocolate?

    Could chocolate be the boost you need to make new gains? Learn more about the benefits of dark chocolate and how it can be used to promote muscle growth! Let’s face it; there is so much awesome food in the world that it can be hard to maintain a healthy diet. For many people, good food is one of...
  3. krustus

    sarms and other chems realted to them

    i'm gonna run a few of the sarm like products... laxogenin, epicatechin, sr9009, rad140... some of these while not technically a sarm are very interesting ... sr9009.. there is a debate on bio availability when take orally... but it's similar to gw50156... like supposed to be exercise in a...