What would be the "order" of cycles you would suggest for someone new in the game? Start out on a cycle of just Test to familiarize yourself with how it feels as a standalone, then do a test + an oral cycle once or twice with an oral like anavar, tbol, or maybe winny. But when looking to start...
My guy wants to run test at 350 a week for 6 weeks and he’s on test cyp 100 a week like I am from the doctor but Iv never did anything like this so I have know clue what to tell him lol but he wants to run test prop 50 mgs Ed Monday trough Friday to total 350 while he’s on he’s cyp trt. he just...
Hey any of you fellas using any sources here strictly for TRT only? I prefer sustanon, but open to test e and test cyp options. There are so many sources to choose from its overwhelming. Also, I want to minimize any risk of crashing my system, so if anyone could offer any advice or point me in...
My doctor called me concerned as fuck..... I dont know if I heard her correctly, She knows of my use, but said Idk what the hell you are doing to get your levels this high, but you need to back down..... I HOPE I heard her wrong, and dont even know if its possible, but Im pretty sure she said my...
Currently on week 7 of 600 mg of test e and 900 mg of eq per week. Was doing 1.5 dex every week but recently bumped it to 1 mg eod. Thinking of adding in dbol at 40 mg ed for 6 weeks. Would that be too much estro? I'm at zero sides at this point besides backne. Gonna get bloods done next week.
Started doing about 275 test e/275 test prop a week, and 30mg dbol a day. Recently started going limp. It comes back but takes a long time. Fucking sucks. Im running about 1.5mg adex per wk. one friend who is a personal trainer and very big told me drop the prop, run enan at 500 a wk and drop...
so I been on test/tren for a while... lately, like the last month and a half or so, my knees have been KILLING me.... like an annoying pain that if I touch the center of my kneecap it hurts too.... I googled and read this could be due to tren drying you out and many others experienced this... Im...
ok i run a TRT dose year round of 100-125mg a week.... i noticed if i use a very small dose of liquid exemestane that my libido is usually up a little for a day or 2 after and way more morning wood... spontaneous erections, etc...
my problem is if i do another small dose i feel like i crush...
Okay so I had developed gyno last year got rid of it using aromasin and nolva but I still have puffy nipples that won't go away, tey aren't itchy and I feel no signs of gyno at all. Was looking for suggestions as to what would be better if its possible to get rid of the puffy nipples. My only...
EQ can and does convert to estrogen right?... i think i read at about half the rate of test... so running 600 a week how much aromasin would be needed if you are running only 125mg of test with it?
Bulk cycle in the works right now, and I have albuterol and letro on hand I'm not having any gyno issues or anything like that, but I seem to be storing more fat than usual. I always store a little during a bulk, but not like this time. I was thinking of cycling in some albuterol or possibly...
OK guys Im running tren and test. Tren at 100 eod and test at 250 a week. Problem is I got a small lump about the size of a pencil eraser behind my right nipple. It is sore to the touch. What do most guys use to get rid of this? Letro? Adex? and dosing? I gotta get rid of this damn thing.
Ive heard all the estro jokes before so if u must go ahead lol this is nothing last time it was in the 700's and I fixed it in a little over 2 weeks so I can fix this. My concern is the fsh and lh any ideas why its so low im on a tiny amount of test and 100mgs tren ace ed.
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OK so I have a guy that is super sensitive to test I guess. I started him out on 500mg of test P per week. He came back a few weeks later saying his nipples hurt and so I started him out on 12.5mg of aromasin EOD. It went away quickly now he says its back! He is now taking 25mg of aromasin ED...
This is my personal experience. I was using a bunk ai and had no clue, I went for blood work just as routine and for knowledge purposes. So I was shocked my estro was 857! I had no symptoms no gyno nothing. Any way this is exactly what I did
3 days 2mg arimidex ed
4 days 1mg arimidex ed
8 or 9...
I wanted to pick your brains real quick, Ive been on blast and cruise cycling for last 4 yrs or so and recently started feeling extremely lethargic with zero motivation. What I was wondering is if its possible for free test to be to low even while on test? Even in cruise I am running 200mg/wk of...