
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Coffee and Caffeine – Commonly Asked Questions – Cortisol, Diuretic, Health Benefits

    Caffeine is one of the absolute best ergogenic aids available; meaning, it enhances an individual’s energy use, production, and/or recovery. When caffeine is taken in moderate to high doses, major improvement is seen in resistance to fatigue, improved endurance, improved physical performance...
  2. Musclemechanic76

    What u guys run???

    I have used all the crap u can think of and I am very well versed on how it all works and offsets and what not!! Biggest problem I see is bad nutrition and guys not pushing hard enough threw workouts. Either put in earphones or leave phone in car. Focus should be on lifting, getting that...
  3. Musclemechanic76

    Trenabolone what it does!!!

    I haven't had tren cough a whole lot of times! But I have this round and realized I have a couple times per run!!! But luckily only a couple per run!! The way I always had it was immediately after pinning not even enough time to put on pants a BURN in chest and back if throat. This causes...
  4. Musclemechanic76

    Mecca gear wow!!!

    I have been a gear using SOB for a long time!!! This gear is working in every direction. Will keep posting progress in My Mecca Journal Log!!!! [emoji106][emoji123] The pheromones are coming off my skin as usual with my tren ace, mast prop, test prop ratio I use!!! Sent from my...
  5. F.I.S.T.

    People who use anabolic steroids to improve sporting performance experience

    People who use anabolic steroids to improve sporting performance experience memory issues Published on July 7, 2015 People using anabolic steroids to improve muscle growth and sporting performance are far more likely to experience issues with their memory, according to new research...