
  1. M

    best bac water?

    been using quality pure for the last 6 months. slight sting when injecting and leads to lipohypertrophy 3 days later no matter what. curiosity set in and I used bac water I had from battlebornpep the last 3 weeks have been sting free and no lipohypertrophy. needless to say I'm pretty pissed off...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Expiration Dating

    The general rule of thumb on expiration dating: Vitamins and herbs lose potency pretty quickly. Standard industry policy is to load most vitamins with higher dosages up front (up to 20% higher) so they last the full length of the expiration date. Beyond expiration vitamins and herbs will degrade...
  3. rboy101

    Expired sarms

    What up guys. I ran across a couple bottles in my stash that I got a few years ago from nootropicsource and they expired in Jan of 2020 but have been in room temp the whole time. You think still good to use or would you throw em out? I assume it would be alright to still use but curious what you...
  4. K

    Expiration dates are a joke

    People are still fooled by expiration dates to this day. Don't just trash "expired" drugs. Keep them properly stored and they will last way past the expiration date. We are talking years here and they are still good. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7040264/