
  1. superbee

    Any computer genius here?

    There is a local FB page thats been bad mouthing me and my business. they have over 2,000 followers but I can not find who is running the page so I could threaten legal action. Anyone know if there is a way to find who is running this page? Their Facebook profile?
  2. F.I.S.T.

    Facebook Caught Secretly Lobbying for Privacy Destroying “Cyber Security” Bill

    Facebook Caught Secretly Lobbying for Privacy Destroying “Cyber Security” Bill Michael Krieger | Posted Monday Oct 26, 2015 Before I get into this post, I want to thank everyone for all the congratulations and kind well wishes on the recent birth of our first child. Mom and baby are doing...
  3. F.I.S.T.

    Facebook Under Investigation in Europe Over Data Transfers to US

    Facebook Under Investigation in Europe Over Data Transfers to US 23:57 20.10.2015 Concerns over US government eavesdropping may derail Facebook’s free-flowing transfer of information across the Atlantic. Fifteen years ago, the United States and the European Union established the Safe Harbor...
  4. Dago


    I am rarely on Facebook at all mostly just friends from school pics of kids pets nothing much. Last night I tried logging in and had to reset my password and boom somehow im logged into some chicks page from Alabama. My account cannot be accessed still and tried twice more to get in still...
  5. Thor

    Beware unseen/seen.is (Still researching)

    This is information I came across on a regular search and on a deep search which delves beyond the normal net. I will have more information coming,also from personal experience,safe-mail is not so safe!They ease drop on your mail,a couple of years ago I was placing an order and received an email...