
  1. 01dragonslayer


    There's an implicit understanding that organic foods are healthier for you to eat, but the reality of organic food is a little trickier. First of all, there's a hugely common misunderstanding of the true nature or purpose of organic food in that it's not about making you healthier (you...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    How do supplement brands get away with not declaring sugar or fat on their label?

    Consumers often question why some nutrient facts panels on supplement labels declare the amount of a nutrient, for example sugar or fat, while others leave them off completely. What are brands hiding by not disclosing these values and how do they get away with it? I have a reputation for...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    What Restaurants Don't Want You to Know About Their Nutrition Facts

    By: Matt Weik Raise your hand if you enjoy eating out at a restaurant every now and then. Don't be shy, my hand is raised too. My wife always says a meal always tastes better when you don't have to slave over it in the kitchen (and I'd say that she's right). That being said, there are some...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Useless Facts

    The opposite sides of a die will always add up to seven. If you take a look, you'll see that one and six are on opposite sides of the cube (1+6=7), as are two and five (2+5=7), and three and four (3+4=7). And if you want to understand more about this amazing but useless fact, The Guardian...
  5. lith56bigguy

    How was everyone's Holiday Weekend?

    Ended up being a combined family work weekend for us. Did not forget why we have our freedom, and was busy as hell. How about everyone else?