Our shoulder is a miraculous joint capable of massive ranges of motion, but this mobility comes at a cost. Because the shoulder is like a ball on a dolphin’s nose, to allow this motion, shoulder pain and injury come with the territory. The stability part of the shoulder equation is on you to...
A popular and true saying has been floating around the weight room for a while: You got to row to grow. It doesn’t matter if it is vertical or horizontal, and it doesn’t matter what equipment you use. You must train your posterior delts, upper back, and lats hard and heavy as your wings depend...
Some exercises never get easier no matter how often you do them, and exhibit A is the single-leg deadlift. The balance demands and tension on one leg make this challenging for all lifters the same goes for its variations such as the rack single-leg deadlift.
There are various methods to make...
The leg press gets a lot of love and hate.
On the advantage side is the fixed range of motion, and your stable trunk takes core stability out of the equation. These two factors allow lifters to move massive weights. The fixed ROM and increased stability are a godsend for lifters who suffer from...