
  1. 01dragonslayer

    How Does Foam Rolling Work? And Why “SMR” Should Be Called “SMT”

    By Bret Contreras Today, I’m going to share a discussion on Facebook that I recently had with Todd Hargrove and Greg Lehman. I’m not always confident with my understanding of things, but I’ve developed great “go-to guys” over the years when I’m seeking answers in various topics, and Todd and...
  2. EG News

    New Research Rethinks The Best Use For a Foam Roller

    Chances are, foam rolling is already a part of your health and fitness regimen, especially if your goal is to prevent injuries. The hurt-so-good, tension-relieving gadget has gained steam over recent years, and rightfully so since it provides the same benefits—without the high price tag—as...
  3. F.I.S.T.

    Self Myofascial Release

    Self Myofascial Release http://www.sport-fitness-advisor.com/self-myofascial-release.html Self myofascial release techniques (SMRT), although not new, have become more and more prominent amongst athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike. Both allopathic and alternative Therapists have embraced...