
  1. 01dragonslayer

    The Ultimate Cardio Solution: Disclosed

    The fastest fat loss possible. The most muscle retention possible. Let's do it. To strip fat and retain muscle, scientist and bodybuilder Dr. Lonnie Lowry does “non-panting” fasted cardio when fat is most vulnerable. Hang on to muscle by drinking Mag-10 during fasted cardio. This will ensure...
  2. 01dragonslayer


    Fasting is becoming a popular way of burning fat and getting in shape these days. In fact, it’s one of my favorite ways to stay lean all year long… But there’s one major problem with fasted training… Studies have shown that even though it increases fat loss, it also causes muscle loss...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Does Fasted Training Burn More Fat?

    Many moons ago when I first decided I wanted to transform my body, I stumbled upon the idea of fasted training in a book. Yes, a book, because back then the internet was still new and awesome fitness sites like this weren’t around to disseminate good fitness info to the masses saving them from...
  4. Dago

    Am I wrong in my thinking fasted cardio..

    Going to the gym on days I don’t lift yes I take days off and rest but going in for cardio only with a bottle of water on empty stomach first thing in the morning trying to trick my body into using the fat I have stored for energy instead of whatever I put in my system before coming shake...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    The Fasted Cardio Debate Settled

    By Adam Bisek Amongst the vast annals of bodybuilding folklore lies the theory of fasted aerobic activity; “fasted cardio.” The notion implies doing a bout of aerobics in the morning on an empty stomach will result in greater fat loss. Much like many long-standing hypotheses, this one went...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    Coconut Cardio: An Early Morning Strategy to Get Super Shredded

    Need a new and effective approach to your morning cardio? Check out Coach Dustin Myers' coconut cardio and get on the fast track to a shredded six pack! First thing in the morning. Post workout. Before you lift weights. After work. Only on every third Saturday of months that end in “Y”… Everyone...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    5 Secrets to Gains Your Trainer Isn't Telling You

    Are you working hard but still not getting any bigger? Here are 5 secrets to gains that even fitness professionals aren't willing to share. There’s a secret code in our DNA that's hardwired into all of us. We all want gains. Ok, I made that up, there isn’t a secret code in your DNA. Here’s what...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Does Fasted Cardio Really Work?

    Jim Stoppani explains high intensity cardio and why fasted cardio doesn’t really work Cardio is the bane of many people’s existence. Some love, many hate it – but unfortunately it’s an extremely important part of staying healthy. In the bodybuilding world, cardio is even more reviled as it can...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    The Greatest Cardio Myths Exposed

    Whether your goal is fat loss or fitness, cardio is a great tool. There’s a clear link between cardio levels and health, and a well-functioning aerobic system helps to reduce fatigue and even reduce your risk of life-threatening disease. The problem is though, understanding cardio can be...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    Is it OK to Do Fasted Weightlifting?

    Intermittent fasting, or IF, is a timed approach to eating with various periods of fasting and non-fasting, including the 16/8 or 5:2 methods. The former involves eating for 8 hours during the day — for example, 10 a.m.–6 p.m., and fasting the other 16 hours. The latter focuses on “normal”...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    4 Myths Many Lifters Actually Believe

    4 Myths Many Lifters Actually Believe Common Misconceptions About Abs, Cardio and More by Christian Thibaudeau | 04/25/16 Everything works in theory, but some training methods just don't produce enough benefits to justify the effort. Other training beliefs are just plain wrong. Here are the...
  12. EG News

    Why Lifting Weights While Fasted May Not Be Worth It

    Iammotos / Shutterstock A lot of people swear by fasted cardio—that is, running on a treadmill or hopping on an exercise bike before eating anything. Some say this burns fat faster, though the science on that is inconclusive. But what about getting your strength workout in before eating? Could...
  13. EG News

    Simple tips to torch fat

    OPENING ARGUMENTS DEFENSE Whether you enjoy cardio or not, it’s a necessity for bodybuilders who want to significantly reduce body fat in a reasonable period of time. If the primary goal of doing cardio is to burn fat, as opposed to increasing aerobic endurance, one should perform cardio on...
  14. krustus

    lowered my fasted glucose from 100's to 76

    a few years back my fasted glucose was always 100 or slightly higher... i have since been doing intermittent fasting, lots of vinegar dressing with my food, apple cider vinegar pills, slin sane supplement... and on my last test my glucose was 76... 1 year ago it was 85... down from the 100
  15. killinit88


    i dont need help with what types, but input on it wouldnt hurt. My main question is when to do cardio, by the time i am done lifting i am fucking beat so i never have the drive to do cardio. My new schedule would allow me to do cardio in the am and lift in the PM. What you guys think about...