
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Five Keys To Faster Recovery

    You get in the gym, you kick butt in there, and then you get out of there. The schedule can be tough and your life can be busy, but you always manage to find the time and energy to make it to the gym your 4 or 5 days each week to get the job done. Training is only part of the battle, as you...
  2. A

    peptide or research chem to site heal injuries

    i have a nagging injury in a most embarrassing place, my butt. actually it's my hip joint or hamstring, im not sure which. is the a peptide or research chem that can heal at the site?
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Do Men Really Lose Weight Faster Than Women?

    When it comes to weight loss, men seem to have an advantage over women. A 2018 study published in the journal Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism followed 2,224 overweight adults on low-calorie diets for eight weeks and found men lost 16% more weight than women. In addition to gender differences in...
  4. Titan88


    Anyone got any idea how to get my time less on the mile? I run twice a week. Just one mile as fast as I can. I'm fucking stuck at 7min 5 sec. I can't beat it. And no, I can't just "increase" the speed.. unless u want me to trip and fall on my own feet haha.
  5. flyingfox


    Have any of you homebrewers tried brewing with MCT as the carrier? I was thinking of getting some for my next batch but I would like to know if there any drawbacks.