I plan on running HGH in a month. So everyone I know including an IFBB pro that i know tell me that within 6 weeks the fat melts off their waist. My one boy who i got HGH for claims the stuff is great but he looks normal not even in shape. Claims he knows it works because his hands cramp and...
The reasons to take vitamin D just keep adding up. Not only are most Americans deficient in this important nutrient (which is nearly impossible to get from food), but new research shows that the fat-burning effects of high-intensity interval training are increased when combined with vitamin D...
video of a "good friend"... wondering what you guys guess is at body fat percentage?.. i thought the vid showed physique more accurately
<iframe frameborder="0" width="480" height="270" src="//www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/x5hvebw" allowfullscreen></iframe><br /><a href=""...
Anyone actually get any response from supplement fat burners. I realize there are other pharma chemicals that can do the job. Just seeing if anyone gets anything from supplement fat burners?
A long read but well worth it. Science is changing the way we view fat cells.
below is my feeble attempt at creating a hyperlink