Even though everyone's body type is different, there are some unequivocal truths. You stand by the office water cooler, a local Starbucks, or the community gym long enough and you hear things. Fitness dogma still endures regardless of the new science and research that exists.
From smart people...
Are Genetically Modified Foods Bad For You?
Billions of genetically modified (GM) foods have been eaten over the last few decades with no problems. Then why is everyone so afraid? Find out here.
Every year, about a million people die from vitamin A deficiency. Lack of vitamin A also causes...
Lose body fat without counting calories by choosing the right nutrient dense foods. Choose wrong and you'll end up with a condition called “toxic hunger.”
Counting Calories is Obsolete
Has anyone ever lost weight effectively and consistently by counting calories? To do it correctly, you’d have...
You Absorb Far Fewer Calories Than You Think
Outdated science and ignorance of the things that affect digestion have made all calorie counts pretty much bogus. Here's why.
Planning a fat-loss diet around the documented calorie counts of various foods is pretty much hogcock (a combination of...
How Moderation Can Make You Fat and Miserable
Many fitness influencers say you NEED to eat junk food in moderation. Really, that's the trend. Are they right? Not really. Here's why.
It’s become weirdly trendy for fitness influencers to promote junk food. Some even go so far as saying that you...
The Delicious Truth About Dirty Foods
You've been misled by dumb dieticians. Turns out that many of the "evil" foods they say to avoid aren't bad at all. Check out this list.
Here's what you need to know...
Fried foods don't have to be bad for you, as long as you use the right kind of oils or...
Why Am I Hungry All the Time?
Are certain foods really addictive? Can this so-called addiction be cured? Here's what you need to know.
Dave needs a hit, man. It's been a couple of hours since he's had a fix, and his drug of choice wears off fast. Now he has a headache, he's irritable and moody...
Is Eating the Same Thing Every Day Healthy?
Most bodybuilders and athletes eat the same foods all the time. Here are the pros and cons of diet diversity and a possible compromise.
Make no mistake about it, Tony was one fatty pancakes. He carried about 260 pounds on a 5’10" inch frame, and very...
Cheese is rich and creamy, and that is the reason most of us love the stuff. So much so, that the average American guy consumes nearly 42 pounds of the dairy product each year, an amount that has been inching upwards in recent years. Sliced, shredded, melted, crumbled, or baked, we can’t get...
Making sure that you don’t overdo your caloric intake is simple math, but sticking to the plan is a real challenge. Feelings of hunger are not easy to ignore, but what is the difference between genuine hunger and cravings? Nutritionist Alan Aragon has the answer and shares three ways to win your...
HOW You Eat Matters More Than You Think
Fix your face, help out your gut, decrease your appetite, and get shredded. Here's how.
We all have a friend (or maybe we are that friend) who finishes their meal in about 10 seconds flat. It’s as if they’re competing to scarf their food down faster than...
In a fantasy world, we’d all have time to prepare and cook our meals from scratch, seven days a week, eating in pure bliss. But in reality, life is busy when you factor in work and training commitments, let alone hours of Insta scrolling, leaving you with little time—and absolutely no energy—to...
Ultra-high processed foods may be convenient, but they are crushing your gains and heading you towards osteoarthritis, according to a new study presented by the Radiological Society of North America. Here’s what you need to know.
The first-of-its-kind body imaging study, designed to find out...
For athletes and bodybuilders everywhere, the day would not be complete without a delicious serving of dairy, but with so many factors to consider, including the bad rap that milk, cheese, and butter gets for potentially raising out cholesterol levels, is dairy really the devil when it comes to...
The Best Foods To Add to Your Diet
The Question
What’s one overlooked food that everyone should be eating?
Benjamin Johnson – Fitness and Nutrition Coach
Butter is one food that everybody should be eating.
Problem is, most people still think butter is strictly taboo. Get out of the '90s...
You don't have to go on an extreme diet to lose fat and perform your best. These guidelines work for elite athletes and they'll work for you.
This four-stage plan takes care of the big dietary issues first, then narrows things down according to the athlete’s needs and goals.
The first step is...
How to Finally Get Your D Up
Many people are still deficient in vitamin D, even when they're supplementing with it. Here's why and how to finally fix it.
Most athletes have inadequate vitamin D status. Most are aware of the importance of vitamin D in health and performance, and some even try to...
The measure of a healthy diet has long been up for debate, but the old staple of following a specific calorie intake, or making sure that you eat the right ratio of proteins, fats, and carbs, should also be joined by a consideration of how much of the food that you eat is pro-inflammatory and...
Although you may not be a regular at your local fast-food joint, you might be unintentionally consuming similar ingredients. Shockingly, “Over 70% of the products in grocery stores are ultra-processed foods,” shares Julie Ruelle, RDN, LDN, and GoCoCo registered dietitian. “They are everywhere...
I've got this buddy who seems to love going out for coffee with members of the opposite sex. Wait, let me clarify. He loves going out for coffee with exceptionally good-looking members of the opposite sex. Almost every time I call this guy during afternoon hours, he's on one of...