
  1. Welcome Bro

    Welcome, vivian

    Welcome to Enhance Genetics, @vivian.
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Never Workout Alone, Why You Need a Gym Buddy

    Solo workouts are great for many things. Unfortunately, you miss out on some of the essential benefits when working out alone. Working out alone can feel isolating and unmotivating. According to a survey of over 3,000 men, almost 40 percent of solo gym-goers report feeling lonely while working...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Is Fiber The Bodybuilder's Best Friend?

    Fiber - The Bodybuilder's Best Friend Are you a bodybuilder who works non-stop in the gym (training), the kitchen (cooking & eating) and in the bedroom (sleeping - Get your mind out of the gutter), but cannot seem to see the results you should be seeing from such efforts? One factor which is...
  4. puff88

    Name and address when ordering

    For those of you who don't use real name or address when ordering, what do you use? I know some use a PO box, but I'd assume even that can be traced back to the owner if needed. Jist curious what the general consensus is on this across the board.
  5. T-bar


    I lost a dear friend this morning that some of you may know. Thick1 and I met back in the early days of the Beachboy website when threre weren't sites out there that covered these specialized topics. It wasn't anything nearly as advanced as EG simply because the technology wasn't there at the...
  6. EG News

    From Iraq to the NFL: Veteran Daniel Rodriguez’s Amazing Story

    Lily Ro Photography Just weeks after graduating from high school, Daniel Rodriguez enlisted in the army. Before he even had a chance to let his decision sink in, he was headed to Iraq for his first tour of duty. Rodriguez, who had been playing sports since he was in diapers—“I could throw a...
  7. EG News

    In memoriam: shawn perine (1966-2017)

    On Monday morning, the AMI Fitness Group was dealt a devastating blow—our VP and Editorial Director, colleague, and friend Shawn Perine passed away at the age of 51. Perine was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer on September 22, and had remained upbeat and positive throughout his battle...
  8. Bama

    Good friends are hard to find.

    Good evening EG. I remember when I was around 20yrs old, my mom had a talk with me and asked me to come back to her in 10yrs and tell her how many friends are still around after the 10 has past. I did do that, and when she asked the question, my answer was 2!!!! And to this day 2 is still the...
  9. Z

    iron lion labs

  10. A

    Dyel Concern from Friend

    Guys, Got a message from a friend that I helped out with some Dyel gear. He ran across the following from Elite Fitness about a year ago. He is understandably concerned. 03-Jul-2015, 06:10 AM I am currently on a dbol only cycle @50mg ED and aromasin 12.5mg EOD. I've already explained before...
  11. Torres

    My Absense !!!

    Whats up EG !!! As u all know ive been gone for a while , due to a big sickness !!! Which I wont get into , but im sort of back and more determined than ever to get my status back !!!! i want to thank Beast !!!! Not only is be a ReAl friend , but hes a brother and hes my family !!! Thank u for...
  12. AkProGuy

    What does LE consider Major?

    So, say I have a friend that has slowly built up a nice little income in reselling gear. What does LE use to measure dealer or personal user. Say a stash spot was to get searched? What quantity is considered minor operation? What is the turning point that makes them pursue sales charges? anyone...
  13. Daredevil

    What is an alcoholic?

    I believe that you all may have the answer for this. I have a close friend that used to drink wine 1-3 times a week for the last several years. But lately she has been drinking daily for the last 2 weeks. Usually it's a mixed cocktail daiquiri about 32oz. Last two days my friend has been adding...
  14. Daredevil

    Dealing with women

    Last few months my lady and I have experienced some hiccups and headaches in our relationship and she dropped the line on me. "I'm not in love with you anymore". I wanted to talk about it with you guys and discuss some mistakes I've made and some she had made and ways to make sure your...
  15. Akhusker

    V and C

    Which source do we currently have on here that has the best Viagra and Cialis. I don't take the stuff, got a buddy that wants some and I had no luck looking for Pharma grade. Post up brothers...
  16. Daredevil

    Advice for friend for TBOL only cycle

    A friend of mine wants to start using AAS and has been working out for about 3-4 years. He's 30, probably at 15% body fat at 190Lbs. He's afraid of needles and asked me for advice. I was considering telling him to try Turinabol for 8 weeks at 40mG a day. I've never use Tbol but from what I...
  17. Daredevil


    Hello everyone, I'm here to grow, become more knowledgable and to make friends. Thanks for having me on the board!
  18. Paulrockr

    RIP FRIEND...must read for all members

    I'm sorry to bring the news of a fallen brother here at EG. A good friend and patron to TMM has recently passed away in an apparent traffic accident. Next Gen Freak was killed 01/19/2015 after he reportedly went off the road and struck a tree. As far as details about the accident or conditions...
  19. J

    So, to fill you in on what's been going on lately in my life…..

    After having kids with my wife, she was a total changed person. I basically got kicked to the fucken curb. I used to tell her that I didn't mind being last on the list, but I wasn't even on the list! Her and I have slept in separate quarters for at least 5 yrs now. I only stayed because the...
  20. F

    Su-per muscle builder.....for horses

    So, my lifting partner and his family breed show dogs called "Bullies" these dogs are very short and muscular. One day about 4/5 months ago my friend brings in this quart size plastic bottle called su-per muscle builder. he said " look at this, its what I feed my dogs to make 'em grow" He asked...