
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Nutrigenomics: Is a Personalized "Genetic Diet" Optimal?

    The recent proliferation of direct-to-consumer genetic testing has generated a promising outlook for the future of personalized health regimens, but can you really "eat for your genes"? Well, yes and no. Genes involved in metabolic diseases and dysfunctions give us hints about how a person...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    3 Reasons Why You Should Eliminate Rest Days

    Now, there's no reason to worry about overtraining, because the human body is designed to work every day without rest. With the right full-body training program, you can safely work your entire body—every day—without injury. Below are three reasons why I believe eliminating rest days will...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Did You Inherit Fat Genes? The Truth About Biology & Body Fat

    Are you a prisoner of genetics, or do you stand a fighting chance to lose fat? Tom Venuto discusses the 3 body types and what you can do to combat "limitations." "Battle Your Biology? Fat Chance," proclaimed a headline recently in the health section of the New York Post newspaper. Quoting new...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Can You Escape a Genetic Destiny of Being Overweight?

    It may feel futile to launch your weight-loss efforts when you feel strong genetic forces are conspiring against you. Blaming genetics is a normal response, especially if you grew up in a household where most of your family members were overweight. But genes are just one factor that determines...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Your Lifestyle Can Make Up For a Genetic Predisposition to Weight Gain

    Looking through generations of family photos, you may notice it’s not just facial features that seem to be inherited — in many families, body shape and weight seem to get handed down just as easily as hair color or height. But if you’re from a family where steady weight gain seems the norm, that...
  6. EG News

    DNA and Sports: What Our Genes Can Tell Us

    The Basics: Muscle Fiber Type and Athletic Ability Human muscle fibers can be classified into two categories. Slow-twitch (red) muscle fibers und fast-twitch (white) muscle fibers. The predominance is determined by our genetics. The ACTN3 (Alpha Actinin) gene is active only in fast-twitch...
  7. EG News

    5 Things to Know About Genes and Your Health

    The human body is composed of approximately 50 trillion cells, where the chromosomes are found in the cell nuclei. These are made up of a double helix of DNA that carries the genetic code, our architectural plan. This plan consists of approximately 3.2 billion letters per person, of which 1% is...
  8. EG News

    What Is Nutrigenetics, and How Does It Apply to Everyday Life?

    Nutrigenetics is the theory of how genes interact with certain food ingredients. Each person is unique in their genes and responds differently to certain foods, and this budding industry promises to recognize what foods the body tolerates and which ones it doesn’t on the basis of genes. It...