
  1. 01dragonslayer


    Protein is more filling than fat or carbohydrate. Studies show that protein is the most satiating while fat is the least satiating. Carbs fall in the middle. Protein has an influence on CCK (cholecystokinin) and ghrelin. Protein may stimulate CCK and decrease ghrelin. CCK acts as a satiety...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Ghrelin: An Ectomorph's Solution to Muscular Weight Gain

    The endogenous growth hormone secretagogue Ghrelin may play a paramount role in your quest for muscle growth. This gastric hormone stimulates hunger in mice and in humans by binding to the ghrelin receptors located in the hypothalamus and the hippocampus. Reasons why people feel the urge to eat...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    How can the Hard Gainer Jumpstart Their Appetites?

    As we continue to pack in food day in and day out, our brains quickly become “Ghrelin Resistant” as our brain-reward systems become desensitized from chronic food consumption. So the question is: How do we not become resistant to ghrelin production, and how do we keep leptin levels (hunger...
  4. EG News

    Optimal Approach to Postcontest Rebound

    If you have been involved in competitive bodybuilding for any length of time, I am sure you have witnessed what many refer to as “the post-contest rebound.” You may have witnessed someone go from a granite-hard, shrink-wrapped, work of art to a puffy, doughy, and water-retentive catastrophe...