
  1. D

    Best arsenal for getting shredded?

    Im putting together my next cycle, and am looking to lean out as much as possible. Im going to try a low test/ high tren/ mast run that ive read about... But aside from that, what do you guys feel leans you out the best? Im going to do all long esters because i prefer less pinning and am fine...
  2. O

    airsealed2 is going to have a board auction

    We are going to be doing an auction with proceeds going to the board. I will have the details up this afternoon
  3. sportsfreak

    What's your thoughts on this?? Hitler reborn??!

    Former noble peace prize winner Jim Garrow wrote this on his Facebook I have just been informed by a former senior military leader that Obama is using a new "litmus test" in determining who will stay and who must go in his military leaders. Get ready to explode folks. "The new litmus test of...
  4. TSizemore

    Who's going..

    To the 2013 Arnold this spring?
  5. B

    Optimal growth

    Ok so here's my thoughts, I've trained 4-5 consecutive days then take 2 off...for years and know many use a similar routine...I've been considering going to Eod , the reasoning behind this thought - if I say work back on Monday then take tues off my body can use every available amount of...
  6. H

    Strong man By Tnation.

    Strongman Training Made Practical by Zach Gallmann Here's the setting: It's about 6AM on a Saturday morning on the outskirts of Columbus, Ohio. A line of cars begins to pile into a small parking lot outside of a warehouse that's accessible only through a backcountry road. The people start to...
  7. S

    Medical Weed

    I need feedback. I was going to post this anonymous but I figured that most of you would figure it came from me anyways. I have been on a slew of medications such as mood stabilizers, anti depressants, sleep meds, anti psychotics, etc. over the past few years for a shitty case of PTSD. Most...