
  1. EG News

    Here’s the Good News About the Benefits of Good Carbs

    Among the many buzzwords in the fitness world today, “good carbs” seem to be forever trending. From Instagram hashtags to food labels, it’s safe to say the catchphrase is here to stay. Consuming the right (or “good” carbs) can help boost athletic performance, enhance mood, and improve exercise...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    All About Fiber

    By Ryan Andrews, MS, MA, RD, RYT, CSCS SHARE Getting enough fiber by building your diet around vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds, is important for overall health and disease prevention. What is fiber? Dietary fiber is a non-digestible polysaccharide, which means it’s a...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    What You Need To Know About The Popular Whole30 Diet

    by K. Aleisha Fetters, C.S.C.S. As if Whole30 weren’t popular enough already, the recent release of The Whole30 Cookbook has turned the diet into more of an internet-wide craze. Still, for as buzzy as Whole30 is, it’s pretty misunderstood. We talked with top registered dietitians, as well as one...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Smart Carb Swaps From Breakfast to Dinner

    I’ve been that athlete sitting quietly on the sidelines eating whole-grain sourdough toast with almond butter while the nutrition world chatters about low-carb diets — and I’m not afraid to admit it. After years of working with athletes to design recipes and menus to fuel their sport at every...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    10 Things to Know Before Trying a Gluten-Free Diet

    It seems we all know someone who has gone gluten free. And while some have a medical condition and need to avoid gluten, others claim the diet has cleared away brain fog, boosted energy or helped them lose weight. However, the research to back up these claims is thin, if anything, so before you...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    10 Things to Know Before Trying the Paleo Diet

    While you may never want to live like a caveman (Who regularly lives in fear of animal attacks?), many people aim to eat like one and follow the Paleo diet. The gist is you only eat what cavemen did, which to proponents means no grains, legumes, dairy or sugar and lots of meat, coconut...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    Master Lunch Meal Prep with This Two-Week Plan

    Even if you love to cook, packing lunch can be tricky since it requires coming up with meals that will pack, travel, reheat well — and, of course, you’ll look forward to. However, with some consistent practice, nailing that weekly lunch prep can become second nature. To whip your lunch game...
  8. EG News

    The whole30 for beginners: diet guide, who it works for, what foods to eat

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: Westend61 Unless you’ve been living under a rock the...
  9. F.I.S.T.

    Check out these natural ancient grain alternatives to processed wheat

    Check out these natural ancient grain alternatives to processed wheat Thursday, September 24, 2015 by: J. D. Heyes (NaturalNews) For centuries, humans consumed ancient, naturally occurring grains, but eventually these were replaced with mass-produced wheat. Now, however, ancient grains are...