
  1. 01dragonslayer


    Use whichever grip is most comfortable for you: arms crossed, clean grip, or strapped clean grip. Set the box or bench just below parallel. Lower each rep for 3-4 seconds. Pause on the bench for 1-2 seconds. Lean forward slightly and contract your glutes and hamstrings to initiate movement off...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Pronated Grip Best To Grow A Big Back

    If you’re trying to grow a big back, the lat pull-down is probably a go-to machine for you. Make sure you’re doing it right. Sports scientists at Pennsylvania State University conducted an experiment where they attached electrodes to the trapezius, latissimi dorsi, and the biceps of subjects as...
  3. GRIM

    Fat gripz

    Who uses them? I used to have all three sizes moves etc I no longer had any. Just picked up a nock off set and can already feel a difference. View:
  4. EG News

    Get a gripp

    Getting a good grip is as important as being able to maintain that grip throughout your next lift. As your workout progresses and the weights get heavier, you can reach a point where your muscles are ready for an amount of weight that your fatigued grip (or your wrists) isn’t capable of...