
  1. T


    Looks like he's no longer a vendor on here. I guess I'm not getting my order that he promised to send a month ago. There goes $600 down the drain. I did get my proviron though. I remember on BOP where a bunch of people got ripped off by someone named White Rhino then after he left, Joker pops up...
  2. Boltbreaker

    ***Guess my BF*** On a Cutter and machine is Down lol.. NEW PICS****Update

    Ok guys here it is. I am switching my cycle up from Mass to Cut and am currently running 325mg Sustanon Per Week 600mg Mast E 600mg Primo E and 4iu Hyges ED ( Muscle Booster) (only been on GH 3 mo).. Been on this for a couple weeks now but just now got my Andros down from the Sust 650 down to...
  3. W

    Bad memory

    When I was born, I got a choice - A big dick or a good memory. I can't remember what I chose