
  1. 01dragonslayer

    How to Keep Food Guilt From Blocking Weight-Loss Success

    It may seem like a Catch 22: The more you want to lose weight, the harder you try, then the more pressure you put on yourself only to feel discouraged and not see results and then potentially give up. What isn’t normal about that? However, when you’re trying to create better eating habits to...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    How to Keep Food Guilt From Blocking Weight-Loss Success

    It may seem like a Catch 22: The more you want to lose weight, the harder you try, then the more pressure you put on yourself only to feel discouraged and not see results and then potentially give up. What isn’t normal about that? However, when you’re trying to create better eating habits to...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    The Problem with Cheat Days

    As a registered dietitian, I shudder when I hear the term “cheat day.” Not because I’m thinking of people shoving donuts and cheeseburgers in their mouths left and right, but because it’s a term rooted in diet culture that firmly places food in “good” or “bad” camps. Here’s why associating...