
  1. GRIM

    Ever have a pinning

    Experience that nothing goes right? Just a few this time, put my 18 gauge draw pin in and stab my thumb under the nail gushes blood. Drawing 2nd oil, shows perfect level go to next, over a 1/4 ml off Then go to pin, hit a damn nerve but decide F it and inject. Pull pin out and gushes a...
  2. BigKev

    Just drained 6mls out of quad

    So is not the first time by far but it's annoying as fuck..... Did 3ml tren Ace left quad 4 days ago.... Got real bad tren cough... Not abnormal..... Clean gear... Clean inject.... Massaged a bit after.... No pain next day... A little the next... And just increased.... Got a fever and a lump...
  3. Daredevil

    Swelling, thoughts.

    Guys I pinned some test prop 1ml in my quad. Had serious pip. 3 days later I got redness in the area where I pinned, which is slightly warm to the touch, swelling with some fluid build up in my knee and it hurts. The pain isn't as bad as the first few days but swelling is noticeable. But I have...
  4. blasson

    Stopper turned into mush

    Anyone had this happen before? I was going through my stash and seen an amp I have that i never opened.. the top was off so I pulled it out and this is what I got... it's fucking mush and dissolving.. weird shit. I'm going to throw it away but has anyone ever had that happen? Another pic of...