
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Hardcore Bodybuilding

    The sport of bodybuilding, for many people, is often quite hardcore. By that, we mean it may be extreme and all-consuming. However a different way to look at hardcore bodybuilding is building bulk and muscle tone in the normal way not including the advantage of artificial hormones including...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    11 Hardcore Gym Rules You Must Know

    Ready to get serious? It's time to leave the big box gym behind and get hardcore. In this article Josh Mac gives you 11 rules to remember before you step into the door. You’ve been putting some time in under the bar, but your surroundings aren’t exactly a supportive environment. The skinny frat...
  3. Chicken_hawk

    Update on hardcore gym

    For those not in the loop I'm opening a hardcore gym with a buddy. Not a spot in the floor place, rather 4000 SF of just free weights and plate loaded stuff for people sick of the commercial gym scene. Well, have a chalk bowl, bumper plates, monolift, 3 power racks, 2 DL platforms, comp bench...