
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Reconstituting HCG for Dummies

    How to reconstitute HCG......by Trashman HCG usually comes as 5,000iu. If you were to use 1ml to dilute this, you'd have 5,000iu/ml If you were to use 2ml to dilute this, you'd have 2,500iu/ml If you were to use 5ml to dilute this, you'd have 1,000iu/ml HCG also comes as 2,500iu If you were to...
  2. B

    Hcg burning?

    Hey guys been using this hcg for a few days and each enjection burns, pinning 250-300mcg eod sq injection to stomach. Is it bad? I've used hcg b4 and never experienced this but could mean past stuff is bunk if this is norm, it's not awful but far from pleasant lol oh and it's mixed with...
  3. V

    PCT/HCG Advice

    Alright bros I've decided to completely come off in a few weeks. I want to give my body a nice break from everything. I've been off and on for a good while now. Mostly on with a couple short breaks. I want to use an aggressive pct. I have nolvadex, clomid, and will be getting hcg. I've never...