
  1. EG News

    Non-Ice Approaches to Healing: Electrical Stimulation, Immobilization, Cryotherapy, Blood-Flow Restriction Training & Anti-inflammatory Medications

    By Leo Shveyd, Co-Owner of Advanced Wellness Each of these topics deserve their own blog post. That being said, I thought I would be remiss if I didn’t at least mention them here. Electrical Stimulation Electrical stimulation uses electrodes that are connected to or around the injured site...
  2. EG News

    Your Role in the Healing Process: From Force to Movement

    By Leo Shveyd, Co-Owner of Advanced Wellness Key to understanding your role in promoting healing is learning how your body is naturally designed to regenerate and heal itself. Did you know that in 49 days, your body will make all new red tissue (muscles) and in 210 days, it will make all new...
  3. EG News

    The Physiology of the Healing Process: Blood Flow and Inflammation

    By Leo Shveyd, Co-Owner of Advanced Wellness The Importance of Blood Flow in Healing In the simplest terms, healing happens when increased blood flow circulates throughout the body (especially when directed to the injured tissue/area). Blood brings healing nutrients to the site of injury and...
  4. EG News

    How to Heal an Acute Sports Injury: Techniques, Approaches and the Latest Research

    By Leo Shveyd, Co-Owner of Advanced Wellness The overwhelming number one concern for athletes is dealing with injuries. This means healing from those injuries, quickly and permanently. When this occurs, the athlete can re-dedicate more time to developing a foundation of wellness, improving...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Ice is for Drinks, Not Muscles

    Does Icing Slow Down Recovery and Growth? Icing achy muscles after exercise actually prevents healing and growth and does nothing to ease pain. Here's what to do instead. Whenever a sports movie comes out, there’s invariably a locker room scene where some athlete is shown sitting in an ice bath...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    How to Buy BPC 157

    BPC 157 has generated a great deal of interest in research circles in recent years. This naturally occurring peptide, originally isolated from human gastric contents, has significant healing properties. Research shows that BPC 157 can promote musculoskeletal repair, improve blood vessel growth...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    BPC 157 & Healing Your Body

    What is BPC 157? BPC 157 is a sequence of amino acids with a molecular formula of 62 carbons, 98 hydrogens, 16 nitrogens, and 22 oxygen atoms (C62-H98-N16-O22). Should you care to know the nitty-gritty specifics, that comes out to a fifteen amino acid sequence of the following: L-Valine...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Frequency Healing: The Zen Way to A Healthy Lifestyle

    by Matt Weik Frequencies are just extra-long versions of numbers. It’s a crazy way to handle things, but it’s what we do here in the world of math. Frequency healing is the same kind of thing. There’s a lot of buzz about frequency healing techniques being used for everything from pain relief to...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    What is Sound Healing and Does It Work?

    by Matt Weik It doesn’t matter where you live or what you’re doing, sound is always around us. We can’t perceive it directly, but we experience it on different levels and with various degrees of awareness. Sound can be soothing (like the sound of rain, the ocean, or wind chimes) — which is also...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    Should You Cut Calories When You’re Injured?

    When an injury occurs, it takes time for your appetite to adjust to reduced activity. This is when people make the common mistake of second-guessing how many calories to consume. Rather than focusing on restricting calories, you want to ensure you’re listening to your hunger cues and getting...
  11. F.I.S.T.

    Ayahuasca: This Amazonian Brew May Be the Most Powerful Antidepressant Ever Disc

    Ayahuasca: This Amazonian Brew May Be the Most Powerful Antidepressant Ever Discovered Posted on: Friday, October 2nd 2015 Written By: Valerie Burke, MSN Recent studies show that this Amazonian healing elixir has the power to alleviate feelings of depression in just a few hours, with lasting...
  12. F.I.S.T.

    Pharmaceutical price gouging and monopolism can be overcome with a free market

    Pharmaceutical price gouging and monopolism can be overcome with a free market of integrative natural medicine Sunday, October 18, 2015 by: L.J. Devon, (NaturalNews) More people are waking up to the fact that pharmaceuticals are an extremely costly shot in the dark attempt to combat the body's...
  13. F.I.S.T.

    4 Natural Ways To Promote Healing From Sports Injuries

    4 Natural Ways To Promote Healing From Sports Injuries by Michael T. Murray After a sports injury or sprain, immediate first aid is very important. The acronym RICE summarizes the approach: Rest the injured part as soon as it is hurt to avoid further injury. Ice the area of pain to...
  14. F.I.S.T.

    6 Tips for Speeding up Bone Fracture Healing

    6 Tips for Speeding up Bone Fracture Healing by Alexandra Preston Posted on August 30, 2015 Including some of the latest techniques. Whether you are a grade school student or a highly-paid professional athlete, a bone fracture can be a tremendous inconvenience that may involve weeks or...
  15. krustus

    my experience with BPC 157...so far

    as many of you know i have suffered a torn pec recently...the muscle tore near the tendon insertion at the humerus. under a tip from Jshredz i decided to give BPC 157 a go ... injecting 500msg twice a day for a week and 250mcg twice a day for the next week. i just injected right at the site...
  16. F.I.S.T.

    8 Common Kitchen Spices that Are Healing Superfoods

    8 Common Kitchen Spices that Are Healing Superfoods by Christina Sarich Posted on June 16, 2015 These are essential for a natural medicine cabinet Anyone who cooks on occasion usually has a pantry full of spices, but they can do more than flavor our food. Some might be more exotic, like...
  17. sportsfreak

    Distal Bicep tendon rupture

    Found out today that I have torn my distal bicep tendon completely loose. Saw the Orthopedic Surgeon today and waiting on an MRI to get the extent of the injury to decide on treatment. I know it hurts like a mofo and bummed that all pulling movements are to be stopped until further notice...